God Gave Rock n' Roll To You
Do you remember when spandex and sleeveless denim jackets were cool?
When one Jolt Cola would get us through the day?
When everyone was asking "Where's The Beef"?
Saturday Night Live was actually funny?
It's 1987. Hair Bands are ruling the Rock n' Roll World. One of the many bands vying for a spot in Rock History is Fists of Rebellion. But Fists of Rebellion is a little different. They are Christians, trying to live the Rock n' Roll lifestyle, until, one day, God puts it on their hearts to make music for Him.
After much debate, Fists of Rebellion changes their name to Iron Cross and focuses their music on spreading the Gospel. This does not go over well on the Sunset Strip and the band is ridiculed for their message, but praised for their Heavy Metal sound. Despite the odds, Iron Cross finally gets a record deal and records their first album. Their record label sends them out on tour.
Things are never quite as they seem. The Christian people that Iron Cross is trying to attract is rejecting their message because of their style of music, and the mainstream audience that never really cared about the message is embracing Iron Cross like every other metal band of the day.
They say what happens on the road stays on the road. But in the case of Iron Cross, what happens on the road will cement their place in Rock n' Roll history.

The Man in the House
Corey Dennison has paralyzing Agoraphobia. He can't leave his cabin in the woods. As a result, he gets lost in a world of books and stories.

The Dream Motel (Season 2)
Guests at The Dream Motel find themselves face to face with their past, their future, and their present. All things are possible for the guests of The Dream Motel.